JENNIFER PHELAN is a Toronto/Montreal based illustrator, designer and educator. Her first children’s book Hey, Boy makes her husband cry and he’s not the only one. In 2017 Hey, Boy was featured in the New York Times Book Review: "What Not to Tell the Kids When the Goldfish Dies, and Other Lessons From Pet Picture Books." It was also a NYT Notable Children’s Book of 2017. Her second children’s book The Log Driver’s Waltz was turned into a ginormous book for the Chapters’ Christmas parade float and was a CBC #3 bestseller in Canada. And her third book, Bobby Orr and the Hand-Me-Down Skates, is a TD Summer Reading Club recommended book for 2021, is part of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, and was nominated for a Shining Willow Award.
Jennifer teaches Illustration at Dawson College in Montreal. She loves plein air painting and is currently learning embroidery.
Image courtesy of the delightful @readwithriver
Write me!
Have an opportunity in mind? The work on my website reflects mostly my children’s books. If you’d like to connect about doing a book together, or to see other work (illustration and/or design), please get in touch.
Got one of my books? I love to hear the stories books make when they go out into the world, thank you for leaving a note!
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